MySuper is the SUPER simple, SUPER hands-off approach to your investments.
This option automatically invests your super in one of three ‘life stages’ based on your age1.
Your money will be invested in the Building life stage option. This option invests 98% in high growth assets, which are higher risk, but have the potential to provide good long-term returns.
We’ll automatically switch your super to our Growing life stage option. This option invests 89% in growth assets, meaning a lower risk, but keeps the potential for strong long-term returns.
Your investments will be switched to our Consolidating life stage option. This option invests 36% in lower-risk assets, which smooths out those short-term ups and downs in investment markets.
Net investment returns to 31 January 2025
Past performance is no indication of future performance.
The investment option returns are calculated after deduction of investment fees and investment tax.
If you’re thinking about making changes to your super investments, check that you're doing it for the right reasons. After all, we want you to have a SUPER retirement.
Make sure to read the GuildSuper PDS and How Super Works Guide for more info.
If you’re sure that switching is right for you, you can make changes easily through your online account or over the phone with our Member Services Team on 1300 361 477.
We’ve made it SUPER simple. If you don’t make a choice, we’ll invest your super automatically in the MySuper lifecycle investment strategy.
Your age is determined as of 1 July each year based on your age next birthday. Changes to your investment options are also made on 1 July. Changes do not actually take place on your birthday. If you or your employer do not advise us of your date of birth, your account will be invested in the Consolidating life stage investment option.
Page last updated 29 November 2024