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Transition to retirement

Transition to retirement

Are you thinking about retiring, but not quite ready to stop working just yet?

We get it, and we’ve got some options for you. If you’re under 65 and have reached your preservation age, a transition to retirement (TTR) account is the flexible way to ease into retirement.

What is a TTR account? This account is the SUPER smart, SUPER customisable way to boost your super, or reduce your work hours, without changing your take-home pay.

So, what are your options?

Keep working while boosting your super

You can make salary sacrifice contributions to your super and replace what you sacrificed with income from your TTR account.

Work a little less, but keep the same income

You can ease into retirement slowly by reducing your work hours and supplement your income from your TTR account. Less hours, same pay!

Increase your take-home pay

Sometimes you just need a little boost to your current pay. With this option, you can receive money from your TTR account on top of your regular income.

What do you need to apply?

If you're thinking about opening a GuildSuper TTR account, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. To open a TTR account, you must:

  • Be an Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident, or New Zealand Citizen

  • Be under 65, but have reached your preservation age - this is the age you can access your super as an income, but more on that later!

  • Have a minimum of $10,000 in your GuildSuper account

Ready to apply? Just make sure to read the GuildPension PDS before applying and consider getting advice from a licensed financial adviser.

Apply for a TTR account

What’s a preservation age?

This is the age that you can generally start accessing your super as an income. The age changes depending on your date of birth.

You can use the table below to work out your preservation age. For example, if you’re born on 1 July 1964, your preservation age is currently 60 years old. 

Your date of birth
Your preservation age
Before 1 July 1960
1 July 1960 – 30 June 1961
1 July 1961 – 30 June 1962
1 July 1962 – 30 June 1963
1 July 1963 – 30 June 1964
From 1 July 1964

How Your TTR Is Taxed

Over 60? Great news, any income from your TTR account is tax free!

Under 60? Your income from your TTR account is taxed at your marginal income tax rate, with a 15% tax offset available.

Learn more

Page last updated 1 December 2023